Madaen hospital on Monday, February 8, 1971 and the efforts of the founders Dr. Davoud Kazemi, Attaullah Tossi, Dr. J. VOSOUGHI, Dr. Ashraf al M. Khojaste and interviews with other members and aims to provide health services began to work on the streets of South Saba’ the center has 62 beds, and is the first part of internal medicine, surgery, operating room, Obstetrics and Gynecology, radiology and related areas has been gradually and over many years to rebuild and expand the hospital’s capacity increased to 162 beds is.
Madaen Hospital has expertise in this hospital are: Surgery – Surgery for women – open heart surgery – the heart of domestic and Vessels – Children – heart surgery- ENT specialist and endoscopic sinus and skull base – Kidney and urinary tract surgery – Thoracic —Surgery – Neurology – Endocrinology – Infectious disease – pecialist- Internist, Digestion- Pulmonary specialists- Kidney disease- Obstetrics and pediatrics Para clinic: