Mesotherapy and Applications

One of the best methods for treatment and rejuvenation of the skin is mesotherapy which has gained a lot of attention in the cosmetic industry. This method is executed by injections in the skin layers and has a lot of uses. By effect of such active substances, like hyaluronic acid, impressive changes will occur in the skin. Therefore, a lot of ladies choose mesotherapy for beauty and rejuvenation of their skin and removing the existing defects. Proper nutrition of the skin, which undoubtedly plays an important role in its cheer, will get back to its normal state by building the lost collagens.

Mesotherapy applications

  • Removing wrinkles of the skin

One of the most important problems which can involve people in any age, especially the old age are wrinkles appearing on the face, neck and hands. Mesotherapy provides a unique opportunity for repairing and restoration of the skin to change the ugly new appearance to its former beauty.

  • Treating scars

Definitely if you had any scars on your body, remained from stitching, or acne, you would be seeking a way to treat it. Interestingly, mesotherapy can be used to treat a burning effect too and can treat the tissues damaged and wretched by fire over time.

  • Hair growth via mesotherapy

Taking advantage of mesotherapy process and its injection to the head, we can increase blood circulation possibility there. People who suffer from hair loss, can prevent that by injection of particular active substances under supervision of a doctor and even cause their hair to grow again.

  • Removing fats

Mesotherapy has the best performance and effectiveness in removing the excessive fats of on area of the body. Actually, by injection process, the fat cells get affected and broken and shrunk and can be excreted by blood flow and so the tissue will be depleted of excess fats.