The beginning of medical history in Iran is in fact the period in which Paths lived in their first birthplace near Khwarazm, and the first doctor of the Aryan “Trita”; various Pahlavi language books show that Trita also had surgery; The medicinal properties of various herbs also had full knowledge and, in particular, their extract was prepared. After Trita in the <<Aryavizh>> area, somewhere named “Verimacert”, an Aryan physician named “Yama”, identified a group of skin and bone patients and many other patients from healthy people. The name of Yama is also referred to as Trita in Henood’s books. Hippocrates appears to be the first to present medicine in a systematic way, and to separate it from magic. After him, Galenus created a new school for narration, and his works were based on naturalist ideas for more than a thousand years. In the fourth century AD, the people and even the infirmaries abandoned the method established by Hippocrates and the galenus, and for the treatment of diseases they resorted to magic and spells, and for many years the method of Hippocrates and galenus was forgotten. In the wars of Iran and Greece, the medical effects of Hippocrates and other Greek greats fell to Iranians and the Iranians used it.
After Islam, with the flourishing of the translations of Greek medical books, great Muslim scholars such as Muhammad ibn Zakariya al-Razi and Ibn Sina (Avicenna) emerged. The rapid scientific progress of the Muslims has caused the world to be amazed, as everyone who was seeking science was moving to this land. In the pre-Renaissance era, which was chaired by Europe, Europeans did nothing but religious motives and superstitions derived from the Christian religion, as they only prayed for the treatment of diseases. With the conquest of Muslim cities by Christians, the works of science and technology and the civilization of Muslims in these cities caused the surprise of Europeans, including the cities of Jerusalem. These issues created the “Renaissance Revolution” in Europe. During the Renaissance, Muslim scholars’ books were translated into European languages, and this led to the progress of Europeans. It is said that in the field of medicine, after the Bible, the book of Law in Medicine, Ibn Sina, was the most popular book in Europe, and Avicenna’s medicine was taught for a long time in Europe. It was at this time that Muslims suffered from civil wars and the rule of the imperial rulers of European colonial systems, and they gradually ceased to exist in science.
The first modern medical center in 1851 AD. With the help of Mirza Taghi Khan, Amir Kabir was established as part of the Dar Al Fonoun School. Jakob Eduard Polak was recruited as a teacher of wisdom, medicine and surgery, as well as Italian physicist as a teacher of natural sciences and arts in Dar Al Fonoun. Polak is the founder and first accomplisher of many modern medical practices in Iran, including the first modern surgery that began in December 1852. Subsequently, several students were sent to France to complete their studies, but the first to receive a degree in doctoral degree in Iran was Khalil Khan (al-‘Al-Dawlah), a student in 1305 AD Graduated. On the seventh anniversary of the foundation, the branches of medicine and pharmacy were separated and continued with the title of “School of Medicine and Pharmacy”. Until 1924 AD the school was in the same Dar al-Fonon that this year was transferred to one of the courtyards of the Masoudiya mansion. In 1934, with the enactment of the law establishing the University of School of Medicine and Pharmacy, he became one of the colleges of the university. In 1939, Professor Charles Oberlin became the head of the medical faculty of the world’s pathologists. After him, Amiralam and then Jawad Ashtiani took over the presidency. In 1934, the condition for completing the course of medicine was five years of study, which increased to 6 years in 1936, and in 1957-58, 7 years, which remained unchanged until today. Since the year 1956, the faculty of dentistry and pharmacy has become independent. In 1961, she was appointed to the Faculty of Medicine, Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynecology. In the following years, schools and other educational centers were built in other cities of Iran.